60th Convention under way
The 60th Annual Diocesan Convention for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona is under way. Bearing the theme Common Earth, Common Prayer, the “virtual” Convention began Thursday, October 15, with worship at 7:00pm; gathers in session from 10:00am-4:30pm Friday, October 16, followed by a virtual reception; and concluding activity gets under way again at 8:30am Saturday with a virtual coffee hour, and business ending by 12:00pm at the latest.
For more information, you can check the Convention website here.
For a full, downloadable schedule, click here.
A keynote speaker was chosen in concert with the Convention’s creation care-oriented theme (Common Earth, Common Prayer.)
The Rev’d Dr Leah D. Schade is assistant professor of Preaching and Worship at Lexington Theological Seminary in Kentucky. An ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America since 2000, Leah has served congregations in rural, urban, and suburban settings. She earned both her MDiv and PhD degrees from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary).
Her publications include: Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology, and the Pulpit (Chalice Press, 2015); Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019); and Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis, co-edited with Margaret Bullitt-Jonas with essays from a cross section of faith leaders and activists offering their spiritual wisdom and energy for facing the difficult days ahead (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).
Leah also has written a Creation-centered Lenten devotional, For the Beauty of the Earth (Chalice Press, 2019). She has been a featured speaker for the Festival of Homiletics, leads workshops and retreats, and keynotes events throughout the country. She has served as an anti-fracking and climate activist, community organizer, and advocate for environmental justice issues and is the "EcoPreacher" blogger for Patheos.com.