“Lord, make us instruments of your peace.”
-From a prayer attributed to Saint Francis
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is the lifework of Christian community, the ministry of presence we each embody—of being with and alongside one another in times of crisis and celebration. Among the many informal ways we live daily into this shared ministry, the church—through its trained and licensed lay ministers, priests, and deacons—is always available to you in confidence in regards to any matter and in a variety of life circumstances. From prayer partners and Eucharistic Ministers, to home and hospital visitors, to grief recovery and mental health peer-support groups, please never hesitate to reach out for help.
There are several ways to report and request pastoral care needs, both in emergency and non-emergency situations.
Crisis Pastoral Care
When facing a pastoral emergency, call the Pastoral CareLine—520-971-3551 at any time of any day.
The emergency line is answered by staff clergy on a rotating basis at all hours of the day or night. Do not hesitate to call if you or someone you care about are having an emergency/crisis and need to talk with someone. Some examples: near death, in the hospital, crisis of faith and prayer support, significant loss, mental health crisis
Should you need immediate medical support or face another crises that requests professional assistance, always call 9-1-1 first. Or call one of the help lines that specialize in certain crises, such as mental health, suicide, domestic violence, substance abuse (listed below.) Then, call the Pastoral CareLine (520-971-3551).
NEVER try to communicate with us about a crisis or emergency through email or social media.
For non-emergency calls please call the office — 520-299-6421, Monday through Thursday (8:30am-4:30pm) and ask to speak with one of the staff clergy. If no one is available, they will return your call as soon as possible and work with you to determine how the church can be present to your needs: prayer, visitation, Holy Communion, among other services.
Crisis Hotlines
Emergency Pastoral CareLine - (520-971-3551)
Non-Emergency Pastoral CareLine - (520-299-6421)
Community-Wide Crisis Line (520-622-6000; 866-495-6735)
Crisis Text—text “HOME” to 741741, anytime, any crisis, anywhere
Suicide Prevention (800-273-TALK)
LGBTQ Youth (Trevor Project) (866-488-7376) or text “START” to 678778
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Safety (520-795-4266; 888-428-0101)
National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE)
Circle of 6 Safety App (Free Download for IOS or Android) – Choose six people from contacts, Fromm app, reach out with messages to circle; also has links to information about topics such as sexuality, relationships, safety; has direct access to national help hotlines.