Ways to Serve
Gathered in Love. Transformed by Grace. Sent to Serve.
How are you being called to serve the world in Christ’s name? In a church context, “serving the world” is often called “ministry,” and this Saint Philip’s page offers a brief orientation to ministries here.
“Ways to serve” provides a quick and easy way to see which ministries or campaigns within the church are looking for help. You can click on each of these sections below, e.g., “Ministries in need of time,” and a dropdown appears of ministries that currently need help, and how you can help them.
As additional volunteer or donation opportunities arise and are fulfilled, this list will grow and shrink.
If you know of any ministries in need of help please reach out to Mtr Mary Trainor at mary.trainor@stphilipstucson.org
If you are looking for ways to serve the wider community outside of Saint Philip’s, please check out our Outreach page.
+ Ministries in need of time
- San Pasqual Cocina--Particpants in this ministry of care prepare food for folks in the community who are dealing with bereavement, illness, or a change of circumstance that makes it hard to prepare their own food. Contact Dcn Susan Erickson at susanerickson27@gmail.com.
- Altar Guild--The Altar Guild prepares and cares for the altars, sacred vessels, vestments, and linens used in the church’s worship of God and encourages the prayer life of its members through devotions and Christian fellowship. Contact Directress Sue Cross at karakaSue@gmail.com.
- Buildings and Grounds--Those called to ministry with Buildings and Grounds maintain and preserve the Saint Philip’s campus with all its buildings, features, and details, helping to hold a vision for the campus’ future while stewarding its character and history for future generations. Contact Emily Swartz at ehswartz@hotmail.com.
- Children, Youth, and Family Ministries (CYFM)--Ministry to and with Children, Youth and Families nurtures the relationship our young folks and parents have with Jesus. This ministry includes serving as a Catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atriums, or as a Youth Leader, or as a Nursery-worker. There are many opportunities for children and youth to minister, too. Contact Mtr Taylor Devine at taylor.devine@stphilipstucson.org.
- Choir--The choir helps to lead prayer and worship of the gathered community by offering the sung music of our celebration of the Eucharist. Choirs for various ages (four and older) are available. The children and youth choirs follow a program of musical training developed by the Royal School of Church Music. Contact Dr Justin Appel at justin.appel@stphilipstucson.org.
- Church Mice--The Church Mice represent a ministry of hospitality by preparing receptions that follow memorial services. Contact April Richards at flipfloprentalgirl@gmail.com.
- Condolence Writers--The Condolence Writers correspond with bereaved families to offer support, prayer, and resources to those who mourn. Contact Page Chancellor Marks at pchancellor@goldbergandosborne.com or Judy Cavallon at heyjude727@comcast.net.
- Eucharistic Visitors--Eucharistic Visitors participate in the pastoral care Saint Philip's provides by visiting sick, hospitalized, or home-bound folks with the Blessed Sacrament, and support a ministry of care, presence, and prayer. Contact Fr Peter Helman at peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org.
- Food Pantry--The Food Pantry ministry obtains, organizes, and distributes non-perishable food items to hungry neighbors and community members 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact Nancy Atherton at ncatherton@gmail.com.
- Garden Guild--The Garden Guild helps preserve the beauty of the gardens at Saint Philip’s. Contact Emily Swartz at ehswartz@hotmail.com.
- In School Mentoring--In partnership with local schools, Mentors meet with young students in their schools to assist them with their schoolwork and provide much-needed individual attention from caring adults. Contact Mtr Taylor Devine at taylor.devine@stphilipstucson.org.
- Laundry Love--The Laundry Love ministry distributes quarters to people at local laundromats who need help completing a load of laundry so they have clean, fresh clothes. Contact Marilynn Lindell at captmarilynusnr@gmail.com.
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers--(LEMs) serve as chalice-bearers and assist God’s people in receiving the sacrament in both forms. Contact Fr Peter Helman at peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org).
- Lectors--Lectors proclaim God’s word by reading the lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures appointed at the Eucharist. Contact Fr Peter Helman at peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org.
- The Order of Saint Mary Magdalene--Members of the Order serve as acolytes, cross-bearers (crucifers), torch-bearers (lucifers), incense-bearers (thurifers), or subdeacons during the community’s celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings. The Order also serves to encourage the devotional life of its members. Contact Fr Peter Helman at peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org.
- The Order of the Daughters of the King (Faith Chapter)--The Daughters are an order for women communicants of the Episcopal Church and their mission is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Contact Chapter President Liz Weber at SnakeLady41@comcast.net.
- Prayer Shawl Knitters--Those who are part of this ministry knit shawls for the ill, bereaved, or home-bound, praying for the shawl’s recipients as they knit. The shawls are subsequently blessed so that those who receive and use them are truly wrapped in the prayers and blessings of the community. Contact Helen Woodhams at HeleneWoodhams@comcast.net.
- Rogation Guild--Rogation Guild members advocate for the Saint Philip’s community and campus to incorporate and model sustainable, environmentally conscious water, land, and energy use as part of the stewardship of creation to which God calls us. The Guild also encourages the devotional life of its members. Contact Dcn Susan Erickson at Susanerickson27@gmail.com.
- Saint Philip's Phixers--The Phixers address repairs (big or small) that may be needed around campus and that do not require a professional contractor, electrician or plumber to fix. Contact John Kneale at Ammo46390@gmail.com.
- Saint Philip's Ringers and Mission Ringers--Children, Youth and Adults are invited to learn to play the handbells. Performances are featured as part of Saint Philip's Christmas Day worship. Contact Allyn Baker (handbells@stphilipstucson.org).
- Ushers--Ministers of hospitality, ushers welcome newcomers and longtime members alike. Often the first people attendees see when entering the church, ushers help to orient people to the campus, and ensure that everyone has what is needed to participate in the worship service. Contact Jen Tellman at JennaLyn@email.arizona.edu.
+ Ministries in need of other donations
- The feeding ministry--On-site Food Pantry: Items needed are: peanut butter, ramen noodles, canned fruit, vegetables and meat, cereal, water, juice, pasta, spaghetti sauce. You can stop by the office any Tuesday or Thursday morning from 9:00am-12:00pm to drop off contributions. Thank you!