Worship Schedule

7:45am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:00am Choral Eucharist Rite II (also live-streamed; see below)
9:30am-12:30pm Nursery available for babies and toddlers with two trained attendants
4:00pm Come & See (a time for reflection, prayer, and conversation in the Bloom Music Center)

8:30am—Morning Prayer, Rite I

This is a brief service of lessons, canticles, and prayers.

12:15pm—Holy Communion, Rite I
(On Tuesdays, this service is Rite II with prayers for healing and is held in the Chapel of the Nativity—next to the Chapel of St Benedict)
This is a quiet, meditative Eucharist.

5:15pm—Evening Prayer, Rite I
This is a shorter liturgy of prayers, psalms, and scripture readings.

Sunday Live-Stream information
The 10:00am Sunday service airs live on our website’s homepage.

Please let us know if you have any technical difficulties so we can make adjustments.