Introducing Sam...
Hi there! My name is Samantha Christopher (Sam to friends and even vague acquaintances), and I am the new Beloved in the Desert intern for Saint Philip’s! I will be serving half-time, primarily helping out with communications technology support, “and other ministrations as entrusted to [me].” I spend the other half of my time working with the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Arizona. Before coming to Tucson, I was a Political Science major at The Ohio State University, and I helped to create a holy ruckus at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and University Center.
I think a lot about the sin-sick nature of our lived reality, our helplessness in the face of Satan, evil, and death, and the implications of fully living into God’s grace and mercy in our political sphere. My pronouns are they/them or she/her.
Feel free to email me any thoughts, concerns, hate mail, or book recommendations at