Indigenous People's Day October 12
Saint Philip’s will offer the 12:15pm Eucharist on Monday, October 12, with special intention for Indigenous People’s Day in Arizona.
Monday’s midday liturgy also will continue the parish’s 30-day remembrances of the dead, offering memorials with special prayers for all those worldwide who have died from COVID-19, for those who have perished from gun violence and hate crimes, and for Saint Philip’s many parishioners who have gone before us in the faith.
The second Monday of October was approved as Indigenous People’s Day by the 2019 Diocesan Convention. Congregations throughout the diocese are invited to honor the native communities and peoples of Arizona through prayer and liturgy.
Resolution 2019-4 included direction from former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori at the 76th General Convention. She urged Episcopalians to search for healing for our native communities and to realize that this work will require healing in communities and persons of European immigrant descent.
Further, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed a proclamation recognizing the historic injustices suffered by indigenous people, and setting aside October 12 for special recognition.