'Sacred Ground' pilot to start soon
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sacred Ground is an intensive small-group approach to discussions related to systemic racism in the United States. It is an additional offering at Saint Philip’s intended to help participants explore the extensive roots of racism in our culture. We already have, and will continue, Sunday afternoon discussions of books related to anti-racism and attendant issues such as voter suppression. These sessions are facilitated by Fr Henry Hoffman, Shirin McArthur, and Mtr Mary Trainor.
Emotionally charged issues around race are roiling our nation. However it is that we may identify ourselves politically, each of us responds to the issues in personal ways. What is our Christian faith calling forth in us now? Are you among those who yearn to contribute something positive, somehow, in the midst of the turmoil? Could the Spirit be nudging you to look more closely at who you are, and who you might become, as a person of faith in this time and place? If questions like these resonate with you, participation in a Sacred Ground small group may help you find your way forward.
The Sacred Ground process offers a series of personally challenging small-group discussions rooted in faith and stimulated by documentary films with selected readings. Step by step, participants walk together through scenes of our national history of racial engagement while considering how the big picture plays out in our own stories shaped by family, socio-economic status, regional identity, political orientation, and religious formation. The small-group format and schedule provide ample opportunity for deep conversations. Indeed, thousands of people who have completed the program testify that it changed their lives.
Saint Philip’s will form one or two Sacred Ground groups that will begin in early October and conclude by early February. These will be led by Mtr. Paula Barker Datsko, with a co-facilitator and a maximum of eight participants in each group. Ten two-hour meetings will take place on Zoom. Meeting times will be determined in consultation with participants once the groups have been formed.
Members will covenant with each other to attend meetings, to watch the videos and read in preparation for meetings, and to hold their discussions in confidentiality. If you would like to be included in a group, please email Mtr Mary Trainor. Depending on response, further groups may be organized in the future.
Need more information? This article from Episcopal News Service provides an informative overview. Or, listen to the video invitation from our Presiding Bishop on Sacred Ground’s website, where you can find further descriptive resources. Other questions may be emailed to Mtr Paula Datsko.
Further, if you are interested in joining the ongoing Sunday afternoon discussions, please contact Mtr Mary Trainor.