FOM: First live-stream concert September 27
Saint Philip's Friends of Music is delighted to present Cool Breeze in concert at 2:00pm Sunday, September 27.
A link will be available next week on both the parish and Friends of Music websites. Look for it in The Bell & Tower.
Director Homero Cerón was a principal percussionist with the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. He is also associated with True Concord and the Tucson Pops. He is now leader and owner of Cool Breeze productions, is a percussion instructor at PCC, and a Yamaha performing artist.
Cool Breeze is a quartet that plays mostly acoustic jazz, rock, pop and Latin music. The group has been active since 1983 and has done extensive work in the studio as well as well as live touring and collaborations internationally.
There is no charge for the concert but donations are welcome. You may send a check to Saint Philip’s in the Hills, P.O. Box 65840 Tucson AZ 85720, with a note in the memo area, “Friends of Music.” We are working to create a means of electronic payment, and will let you know when that is possible.