From the Treasurer
Dear Friends in Christ,
Last month I reported to you on the financial status and the challenge for the remainder of the year. This month, I am pleased to report preliminary year-end 2020 financials.
As I noted last month, your support has been amazing and I am more than pleased to report that contribution income for the year exceeded our budget. As I also noted last month, other income was below budget due to the closure of the church property, but so were expenses. I expect that the final numbers for 2020 will be close to breakeven (not including the PPP loan received by the church). We will report on final numbers for 2020 and the 2021 budget at the annual meeting on January 31.
I also can report that the 2020 Christmas offering, dedicated to Cruzando Fronteras, generated almost $16,000, and the Christmas Project, supporting three local schools, generated more than $10,000.
Please be sure to submit your pledge for 2021 if you have not already done so. And it is not too late to fulfill 2020 pledges.
Our challenges continue as the pandemic rages here in Arizona and the country, but as we near the availability of vaccines and the opportunity to again experience the joy of worshipping together in our beautiful church, I thank you again for your faithful support.
God bless you, this parish, our clergy and staff.
Yours in Christ,
Herb Burton