Vestry & Finance presentations
From 11:15am-11:45am this Sunday, February 7, the regular coffee hour will be replaced by a presentation by our treasurer, Herb Burton, and administrator, Lois Britton, about Saint Philip’s Vestry and finances.
Subsequent Sundays in February will offer live Question & Answer sessions. (The login process will be the same as that for Coffee Hour; the link with details is below.)
Attend with this link.
Meeting ID: 954 1971 7645
Passcode: 810531
If you would like to call in on a phone rather than video, call +1 669 900 6833 US and enter the meeting id and password when prompted.
Future Q&A topics:
February 14: Outreach Ministries
February 21: Worship and Pastoral Care Ministries
February 28: Children, Youth & Family Ministries