Early progress

The Creation Care Commission and CYFM (Children, Youth, and Families Ministry) gathered last Sunday, August 6, to create passive irrigation for the native plants in the Children’s Courtyard. This will help Saint Philip’s use its resources wisely and increase biodiversity with local bugs and butterflies.

You may have noticed the signs recently erected around Saint Philip’s campus. Thank you to parishioner and Creation Care Commission member Susan Gamble for facilitating this designation.


Erika Johnson, Chair of the Creation Care Commission, and Emily Swartz, Chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee, led last Sunday’s shoveling and heavy lifting to create the basins for natural water flow. The plan is to steward this beautiful space with sustainable practices. The hope is that such spaces will inspire home gardeners to replicate the effort and continue the profound work of honoring the soil and what it yields.

Click the button to see a short video of the basins in action when some rain fell on Tuesday afternoon. It’s exciting to see the volunteers’ hard work pay off!

A spirited thank you to everyone who donated their time and labor and sponsored a plant for $10.00. (There are plants still available to sponsor; contact Mtr Taylor at taylor.devine@stphilipstucson.org if you are interested in supporting this ministry.)


In the near future additional basins will be dug in the courtyard and more plants added. The entrance area to the church offices will also receive attention. If you would like to be involved with these activities, please contact Erika Johnson at erika.johnson06@gmail.com. Thank you!