Episcopal Campus Ministry Meals
Every Sunday evening the ECM gathers for Eucharist, a meal and fellowship. The community welcomes presence and food from local Episcopal Churches throughout the school year. Come and get to know the young adult Episcopalians in our midst, and spend some time with Beloved in this intimate setting. If you would like to sign up for a Sunday evening meal, the commitment is: come early to the Campus Christian Center at 715 N Park Ave. There is a pay lot right next to the CCC. You can bring food prepared and warm it, or prepare it in the full kitchen. Plates, cutlery, etc. are provided. Please bring food for twenty with an option for vegetarians and vegans, and one dairy allergy (vegan works well for them). Those who offer this warm meal and conversation often set up early, participate in the Eucharist service, slip out after communion, and make the meal ready for about 6:45. Conversation and fellowship follows, and Communion and full bellies set the college students up for a new week. If this is a commitment you or you and a friend would like to make periodically, please email taylor.devine@stphilipstucson.org or ecmtucson@gmail.com. Thank you for considering!