Congratulating Beloved in the Desert's first Cohort
Were this a typical year, I would be working with the Board to plan a goodbye and thank you Sunday celebration for May 31, Pentecost. It would be a profound day to send of the Beloveds with our thanks and prayers, with all the power of Pentecost sending them forth to continue to love and serve in new contexts. Given the unknowns of our ability to gather over the coming weeks, I would like to make a video for the first cohort to give them our best wishes and to congratulate them on their incredible accomplishments this year.
If you would like to contribute a video, please click here for further instructions on taking a video with your phone or camera and where to upload it. I will piece the videos together into a compilation to play at their final retreat. A few prompts to get you thinking, thought these are not the only prompts that one could use:
My favorite moment with you was _______________.
I will miss you because ________________.
I see Jesus in you because ______________.
I thank you for____________________.
I have seen you all grow this year in these ways ____________.
I learned __________________ from you.
You have done ____________ for this community/self/etc.
Having contributions that focus on one person are fine as long as we have a smattering about each person.
If you would prefer to write a note to them, please feel free to email them to me or to send them to
Saint Philip's
c/o Taylor Devine, Notes
PO Box 65840
Tucson, AZ 85728-5840