An Update, a Month in Tucson

Day by day

The Beloved in the Desert community has now been here for just over a month! The five young adults have settled into their service partner placements with Neighbors Feeding Neighbors (a feeding program of Saint Andrew's), Imago Dei Middle School, the Episcopal Campus Ministry, Interfaith Community Services, and the Community Food Bank, and Habitat for Humanity.

The Beloveds, or Corp Members, as they are called, on Mondays have facilitated community time with a wise facilitator who has worked with them on their Rule of Life, and has begun working on a book with them, “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown. When community friction comes up, they have a built in system by which to bring up issues and to resolve them faithfully and together-that difficult and reconciling practice.

You are invited to join them on Wednesday nights in September at Saint Philip’s for Mosaic Community Dinner (5:30 Evening Prayer, 6 free Dinner, 6:30-7:30 Adult Formation), where they will be leading four sessions on Intentional Community, Rule of Life, Practices of Community, and Beloved Community. The Beloveds will lead and facilitate the Adult Formation at Mosaic September, December, March and May with Mtr. Taylor's support as needed.

On Fridays the Beloveds spend time in Formation between prayer offices and participate in Spiritual Direction monthly. Most recently in our morning formation we have read Rowan Williams’ “Being Christian,” Henri Nouwen’s “Becoming the Beloved,” portions of the Rule of St. Benedict, and look forward to next month’s time with bell hooks’ “All About Love,” a collection of essays called “Called to Community,” and a Eucharistic theology book called “Still Hungry at the Feast." We’ve also been visited by two staff officers from the national church, and two young adult Diaconal candidates on a road trip to Episcopal Service Corps sites. They have offered excellent and creative hospitality, and have even started keeping a running list of their best recipes-a cookbook someday?

On Sundays the Beloveds participate in worship at Saint Philip’s and at the Episcopal Campus Ministry, and occasionally will go with Mtr. Taylor (Program Director) to visit another church to share their work and ministry in the broader Episcopal community. This weekend the Beloveds will meet the Jesuit and Presbyterian Corps Members in Tucson at a Bike Safety class followed by a pool party (what a combo!)

Please keep Alex, Elaine, Jess, Maxine, and Suzanna in your prayers as they continue to serve, live and pray in community.