Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
— from a prayer attributed to Saint Francis

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is the lifework of Christian community, the ministry of presence we each embody—of being with and alongside one another in times of crisis and celebration. Among the many informal ways we live daily into this shared ministry, the church—through its trained and licensed lay ministers, priests, and deacons—is always available to you in confidence in regards to any matter and in a variety of life circumstances. From prayer partners and Eucharistic Ministers, to home and hospital visitors, to grief recovery and mental health peer-support groups, please never hesitate to reach out for help.

There are several ways to report and request pastoral care needs, both in emergency and non-emergency situations.

Beginning the Pastoral Conversation (Non-Emergency)

If you need help in a non-emergency, call the office—520-299-6421—on Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (closed Fridays.)  Ask to speak with one of the staff clergy. If the staff clergy are unavailable, they will return your call as soon as possible and work with you to determine how the church can be present to your needs: prayer, visitation, Holy Communion, among other services.

Crisis Pastoral Care (Emergency)

When facing a pastoral emergency, call the Pastoral CareLine—520-971-3551—at any time of any day.

This line is answered by staff clergy on a rotating basis at all hours of the day or night. Do not hesitate to call if you or someone you care about are having an emergency/crisis and need to talk with someone. Some examples: near death, in the hospital, crisis of faith and prayer support, significant loss, mental health crisis

Should you need immediate medical support or face another crises that requests professional assistance, always call 9-1-1 first. Or call one of the help lines that specialize in certain crises, such as mental health, suicide, domestic violence, substance abuse (listed below.) Then, call the Pastoral CareLine (520-971-3551).

NEVER try to communicate with us about a crisis or emergency through email or social media.

Should I call, or should I not?

A situation may be important but not urgent, which means it can wait for business hours. You will still call the office first and then, if need be, the Pastoral CareLine—520-971-3551. If you do not reach a member of the clergy, please leave a message that includes your name, your number, the nature of your need. If it is after hours, and you are calling about an emergency, call again in 5 minutes if someone has not returned the call.

If you are unsure whether the situation you face is an emergency, please err on the side of necessity and call the Pastoral CareLine (520-971-3551). The priest on call will help find the best course of action.

Again, always remember, call 9-1-1 or one of the hotlines listed below to address a medical emergency or other crises requiring immediate professional assistance, such as suicide, domestic violence, substance abuse.

Crisis Hotlines

Community-Wide Crisis Line (520-622-6000; 866-495-6735)

Crisis Text—text “HOME” to 741741, anytime, any crisis, anywhere

Suicide Prevention (800-273-TALK)

LGBTQ Youth (Trevor Project) (866-488-7376) or text “START” to 678778

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Safety (520-795-4266; 888-428-0101)

National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE)

Circle of 6 Safety App (Free Download for IOS or Android) – Choose six people from contacts, Fromm app, reach out with messages to circle; also has links to information about topics such as sexuality, relationships, safety; has direct access to national help hotlines.

Saint Philip’s Pastoral Care Ministries

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEMs)

LEMs are persons commissioned by the church to carry the consecrated elements of Bread and Wine to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present at church. LEMs act under the direction of a member of Saint Philip’s clergy and fulfill a ministry that is both sacramental and pastoral. They are trained and licensed and must submit to a basic background check and complete sexual misconduct prevention training, required by the Diocese of Arizona. To volunteer or to learn more please click the “Eucharistic Visitors” button below.

Hospital Visitors

Hospital visitors offer a ministry of compassionate presence and stand by in emergencies to visit parishioners admitted to hospitals.  To learn more or to volunteer please click the “Hospital Visitors” button below.

Good Shepherd Visitors

The Good Shepherd Visitors are parishioners who go out and spend time with homebound parishioners who are 87 years old or older.  It is a wonderful way to help people feel connected to their church home even when they are unable to make it to services.  To volunteer or to learn more please contact the Rev'd Peter Helman at 520.299.6421 or by clicking the “Good Shepherd Visitors” button below.

Daughters of the King 

Daughters of the King is a 130-year-old Episcopal/Anglican lay women’s religious order. There are 26,000 members worldwide, all of whom take vows of service and of daily prayer. New members and visitors are always welcome at meetings! We meet at 10:15 on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Bride’s Room.  The Saint Philip’s chapter is known as the Faith Chapter.  To learn more please click the “Daughters of the King” button below.

Health Cabinet

Our Health Cabinet is a parish ministry organized by our Faith Community Nurse, Carol Jones.  It organizes a range of health-focused activities that encourage the whole health of our members.  From mental health and senior exercise to diabetes control to the spirituality of aging and more, this cabinet works to help people integrate and coordinate care for the mind, body, and soul.  To learn more about the variety of Health Cabinet ministries and programs and to volunteer please contact our parish nurse by calling the parish office at 520.299.6421 or by clicking the “Health Cabinet” button below.

The Haven

The ministry of The Sunday Haven meets every Sunday (September – May) from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Brides Room at St Philip’s. It exists as a witness to Christ’s commitment to heal the whole person and to enhance resilience in individuals and families contending with this array of challenges. The Sunday Haven exists as a safe, open, peer-support group where participants can share and receive support regarding anxieties, joys, fears, depressive or manic periods, burdens about chronic health conditions, etc. Stories are shared weekly about how Christ is present in the life of Sunday Haven participants. The Sunday Haven operates within guidelines that assure confidentiality, open communication, as well as respect for personal space and safety. The facilitators are parishioners who have education and/or training in mental health services and serve as a resource for parishioners, families, and clergy. If you wish further information, please contact Chuck Jones (chuckjonescoh@outlook.com; 520-390-2227) or Sharon Nielsen-Caldwell (snielsenn@aol.com; 520-579-8229), or by clicking the “The Haven” button below.

Bereavement Assistance Team for Receptions (“Church Mice”)

This ministry prepares special receptions for funerals and memorial services. To learn more or to volunteer please click the “Church Mice” button below.

Condolence Writers

Condolence Writers care for the bereaved by mailing loving and supportive missives to those who have experienced a recent loss of a loved one. They carry out their ministry using a series of Stephen Ministry grief recovery resources called “Journeying through Grief.” These resources and accompanying letters are mailed to the bereaved at different junctures in the months following the loved one’s death. To learn more or to volunteer please click on the “Condolence Writers” button below.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shaw Ministry knits prayer shawls for individuals who are ill, bereaved, or going through a difficult time.  Finished shawls are blessed and distributed at the discretion of the clergy. To make shawls or to learn more please click the “Prayer Shawls” button below.