'Safe Place' & Novena
The November election has prompted much discussion, considerable acrimony, and, in some cases, actual division.
As illustration, this week NPR carried a story with this headline: ‘Dude, I’m Done’: when Politics Tears Families and Friends Apart.’ Link here.
You may well be experiencing some of this angst, an aspect more prominent with this election than in the past. And, whichever way this election ends, some of us may be picking up the pieces of relationships.
Operation Election Safe Place
Therefore, in addition to the 5:00pm Novena each night through November 4, Saint Philip’s is offering a virtual Operation Election Safe Place for parishioners who are experiencing loneliness, despair, rage, loss, isolation brought on by the election year. This will be an online place to sit and pray, to engage in soft conversation, or just to be silent and gather your thoughts. A host will be available to pray with you. No politics, no berating, or castigations allowed. The host stands ready to safeguard the sanctity of this space. Here is the schedule and the Zoom information.
Tuesday & Wednesday, November 3 & 4:
· 3:30pm-4:45pm (break for Novena)
· 5:15pm-8:00pm
Zoom information to join either session, or both.
· https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87512386064
· Meeting ID: 875 1238 6064
· Passcode: 780239
Saint Philip’s is participating in A Season of Prayer: For an Election daily at 5:00pm daily now through Wednesday, November 4. It will appear live on Facebook each day, and thereafter will be on the on the parish's website. A Litany for use during these nine days is attached. You may wish to print it out and keep it on hand for the nine days.
This 9-day period of devotional prayers, an ancient practice known as a prayer novena, will be a time to pray with special intention for the people of this nation, our leaders and voters, for peace and guidance, and for all of God’s creation. Saint Philip's anti-racism reflection group will lead us in these nine days of prayer.
In partnership with Forward Movement, The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry call on Episcopalians to participate.