Turning the corner to Advent
“Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord thy power, and come; that we may be found worthy to be rescued by thy protection from the threatening dangers of our sins, and to be set free by thy deliverance.” (Collect for the First Sunday in Advent)
This Sunday The Episcopal Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Season after Pentecost, the longest season in the Church’s annual calendar that began 25 weeks ago on May 31. The Season after Pentecost is that time of the liturgical year that is not connected immediately with either of the great seasons, Christmastide and Eastertide, or their seasons of preparation, Advent and Lent.
The Season of Advent begins next Sunday, November 29, and the collect above so beautifully voices the disposition of the Church as it enters Advent and looks ahead to Christmas—the desire for the salvation of God to set the creation free from sin and death that the world might be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God.
We’ll mark the solemn nature of Advent with several changes and additions to weekly services of worship:
You’ll notice that the liturgical color appropriate to Advent, rather than the green of the Season after Pentecost, is purple, a color closely associated with seasons of preparation, penitence, and fasting.
Until Christmas neither the Gloria in Excelsis nor the word “Alleluia” appears in any liturgy.
Morning Prayer on each of the four Sundays in Advent begins with the lighting of an Advent wreath adorned with candles, a tangible sign of the dawning light of the Nativity of the Christ-child.
With the start of the new liturgical year, you’ll notice as well that Sunday gospel readings will emphasize the Gospel of St. Mark, rather than our focus last year on the Gospel of St. Matthew.
May every blessing attend you and yours as we approach Advent and the new liturgical year. Please join us throughout the week for online worship: on Saint Philip’s YouTube channel every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for Choral Morning Prayer; and on Facebook or Saint Philip’s homepage every Monday through Saturday for live-streamed services of Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m. and Holy Eucharist at 12:15 p.m. Stay tuned to the Bell & Tower for additional information about special opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and service.
Fr Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar