Border Summit nears
The third annual Border Ministries Summit will be a virtual conference conducted on November 20 and November 21. This year’s event is being hosted by the Diocese of San Diego.
At this Summit, you will hear from those at the center of the immigrant community in San Diego.
The focus will be on Christian Peacemaking in a World of Conflict. Event publicity says we will “learn from undocumented people, deportees, first-generation immigrants, and Christian leaders who live in Tijuana and San Diego.”
Voices heard from will also include Episcopal and Anglican Bishops; other leaders on both sides of the border; and the Border Patrol and legal experts.
Those attending will not only learn about immigration but also will be equipped with tangible Christian Peacemaking practices to live out in their own contexts as Everyday Peacemakers.
Jon Huckins of the Global Immersion Project is scheduled as the keynote speaker. The topic of his presentation is: The opportunity of conflict—becoming everyday peacemakers on the border, around our tables, on our streets and in our world.
For more information about the Global Immersion Project, visit its website.
This is the Third Annual Border Summit, designed for Episcopal and other Christians wanting more information about the US-Mexico border, and for those who want to learn the basics of becoming Christian Peacemakers in this time of deep division.
Last’s year’s conference was hosted at Saint Philip’s in the Hills, Tucson. To learn more, or to register, go to the Summit’s website.
For more information, email Chris Tumilty.