Make your own Advent wreath
Advent is a season in the church that is filled with expectant waiting and preparation for Jesus’ coming. Advent wreaths offer a ritual for reflection and focus during this time.
On the first Sunday of Advent one of the four candles is lit and a prayer is recited; that same candle is lit and prayer repeated every evening for the remainder of that first week. On the second Sunday of Advent the first and an additional candle are lit. This practice continues until Christmas Day.
The rituals of lighting the Advent wreath and praying are wonderful practices whether done individually or as a family. Last year we had 30 families participate in making their own Advent wreaths. This year, COVID will require us to gather via Zoom.
Saint Philip’s will offer this year’s Advent wreath-making event at 10:00am Saturday, November 28. Fr Mark will share some history about Advent wreaths and provide prayers you can use throughout the season. Mtr Taylor will lend her cheer and support to everyone’s decorating efforts.
Kits will be available for pickup at Saint Philip’s on Monday evening, November 23, and Tuesday morning, November 24. Register by Tuesday, November 10, by clicking here. If you have any questions please email Mtr Taylor.
Join the fun!