From the Treasurer
Dear Friends in Christ,
Last week in the Bell & Tower, Fr. Robert reported on specific projects supported by you, the parishioners.
This week I report on what you have provided for the operations of the parish. Your support in this difficult year has been amazing. The financial commitments you made in the stewardship campaign of 2019, prior to the pandemic, are being met. Contributions have continued and are meeting our budget projections. My heartfelt gratitude to you for that.
Other income and expenses have been affected by the pandemic; both are down compared to our budget and to previous years.
Nevertheless, we can finish the year in good financial condition if the usual large December income is similar to prior years. That will require that we all complete our stewardship commitments. All pledgers received a financial statement earlier this week. If you can, please bring your pledges up to date by year end. The total balance of unfulfilled pledges as of the end of November was $156,316.00. This seems like a lot, but it is not that different from prior years.
Completing outstanding pledges will help ensure that when this pandemic is behind us, we can once again experience the joy of worshiping, singing and praying together in our beautiful church. I look forward to that time as I am sure do you.
I also ask you to be sure to submit your pledge for 2021 if you have not already done so. A pledge form was included with the Advent/Christmas letter you received last week.
As I complete my first year as Saint Philip’s Treasurer, I thank you again for your support.
God bless you, this parish, our clergy and staff.
Yours in Christ,
Herb Burton