Home visits with Eucharist
Saint Philips’ clergy will visit parishioners, upon request, to offer Holy Eucharist throughout the 12 Days of Christmas. Please be assured that visits will be made with the strictest adherence to protocols with respect to COVID-19 guidelines.
To schedule a Eucharistic visit, please contact Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar, by telephone (520-299-6421, ext. 133) or email (peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org).
Try to schedule your visit by December 20, the Fourth Sunday of Advent. That will allow for a better process of assigning clergy to parishioner(s). If you’re not yet certain, and decide later that a visit is desirable, please contact Fr Peter.
Also, during the holidays, as always, the parish Pastoral Care Line is open 24/7: 520-971-3551.