Some Convention deadlines
Bishop Jennifer A. Reddall included information regarding preparation for this year’s Diocesan Convention in her E-pistle published August 12.
The Convention will gather virtually on October 16-17. The theme is Common Earth, Common Prayer. Included here are some upcoming deadlines:
Call for Nominations
Any member of the Clergy who is canonically resident or any lay communicant in good standing may submit to the Chair of the Nominating Committee no later than Tuesday, September 1, a completed nomination form for one or more persons to fill an open position. Please allow time before the deadline for the chair of the committee to review and respond to submissions.
Resolutions must be submitted no later than Monday, August 17 to the Resolutions Committee Chair. Please allow time before the deadline for the chair of the committee to review and respond to submissions.
Congregation Videos
Usually at Diocesan Convention, we can be inspired and strengthened by stories of ministry in other congregations. We want that to be true in 2020 as well, especially as this is (hopefully) a unique moment in the life of our Diocese. In order to make sure those stories are shared, we ask every congregation in the Diocese to send a 2-4 minute video reflecting on a list of specific questions. Videos are due by Monday, September 7.
Details and forms can be found on the Diocesan Convention webpage.