All Souls’
Saint Philip’s will observe All Souls’ Day at 5:00pm Monday, November 2, with a solemn requiem mass premiered online. We commend this service especially to those whose loved ones have died since November last year.
Each year on All Souls’ Day the Church commemorates all the faithful departed who have gone before us in the faith. We pray that God will grant them eternal rest, and we ask that with them—encouraged by their examples, aided by their prayers, strengthened by their fellowship—we too may be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light.
This year we face the profound heartbreak of so many lives in our nation lost to gun violence and racial injustice, as well as the hundreds of thousands of deaths from COVID-19. In the United States alone, more than 200,000 people have died from the virus and globally more than one million.
All Souls’ Day will afford us a significant opportunity to lament, to weep, to seek forgiveness, and to pray as one people, knit together in grace, for an end to racism and the pandemic.
As a way of remembering the departed, we will begin the All Souls’ requiem with a reading of the parish necrology. Ministers will light votive candles on behalf of the congregation, in honor of their loved ones. We will conclude the service with prayers at the ofrenda in the Garden Columbarium.
We invite you to submit the names of those for whom you desire prayers by contacting Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar (, or by clicking here. Please stay tuned for more information.
Here’s the link to the Breeze Name Submission Form.
Please see related story on 30 days of remembrance, a daily reading of name from 1937-now.