Annual Meeting this Sunday
This year’s Annual Meeting will begin on Sunday, January 31 and continue for the four Sundays in February with question-answer sessions.
On January 31 we will stream a series of recorded videos: the senior warden’s address, a financial update, the rector’s report and the introduction of the three-person slate nominated to serve as the Vestry Class of 2021-2023.
The following Sunday, February 7, we will begin a series of weekly live Zoom conversations and Q&A sessions. These will focus on the budget, outreach, worship, and pastoral care. There will be a chance to ask questions and get more specific ministry updates.
Links, times for each Q&A session, the vestry slate with bios, and more are available at
Fr Robert’s sermon this Sunday will tie in to his address at the annual meeting so we hope that you will be able to attend the online service.
*Also on January 31, Bishop Jennifer A. Reddall has scheduled a Zoom bilingual diocesan Morning Prayer service at 10:00am to provide clergy around the diocese a week’s respite. A coffee hour with the bishop will follow the service. (For those who prefer not to use Zoom, Morning Prayer will also be live streamed on the diocesan YouTube page (
Herewith the Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 811 5625 4572
Passcode: bishop