2021 Vestry candidates
At this year’s annual meeting the following three candidates will seek election to the 2021 Vestry:
Michael Anderson
We attended Christmas Eve services in 2015 and knew immediately we’d come home. We love St. Philip’s!
I am an Episcopal priest, and have served parishes in the Diocese of Chicago. When I retired in 1998, my partner and I launched a consulting firm in the Life Sciences space. If you own a company you’re never fully retired, but we’re close. We have a strong CEO who manages the business and we’re proud to have had several consultants working to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.
I am a member of the Saint Philip’s College of Clergy. I worked with a parish group studying church growth. And it was a privilege to lead a project that considered whether the La Parroquia facility might be a hub of outreach to the community. In connection with that effort we relocated the Little Shop to its expanded quarters in the La Paz room. I am a member of the Foothills Forum and chaplain to that group.
Kay and I have been married forty-eight years. We have three children and one granddaughter. We love hiking, a good antidote to COVID confinement. I’ve served as editor of a poetry journal and thirty years ago, a parishioner and I began meeting to study the poems of Robert Frost. We’re not stopping. We have more studying to do—and miles to go before we sleep!
Barbara K. Cone, Ph.D.
I moved to Tucson in April 2001 to take a faculty position in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at the University of Arizona. I teach and do research in areas related to hearing function in infants and young children.
I was raised in the Lutheran Church (ELCA) and am grateful for this upbringing, especially for the excellent teaching (Sunday School and Confirmation classes), preaching and sacred music that I experienced from an early age.
When I moved to Dallas, Texas, in 1975 for Ph.D. studies a friend of mine recommended I visit Saint Michael’s and All Angels (SMAA). I did, and five months later was confirmed in the Episcopal Church. A vivid memory: SMAA Dallas had a rather prominent Anglo-Catholic leaning back in the day, and this Lutheran lady was agog when Bishop Lord Ramsey visited and we sang “Zadok, the Priest” (with orchestral accompaniment) for the Processional. Yes, it was splendid!
I have served on the Vestry at All Saints, NYC (early 1980s), Saint John’s, Los Angeles (now the Cathedral) in the early 1990s and Saint Mark’s Anglican Church (Camberwell) Melbourne, Australia, from 1998- 2001, where I was also Vicar’s Warden. I attended Grace St. Paul’s, Tucson from 2002-2007, was on sabbatical in California in 2008, and upon my return to Tucson in January 2009, joined Saint Philip’s in the Hills. I sing in the Canterbury and Schola Cantorum Choirs and served on the Music Advisory Committee from 2009-2016.
Meghan Hodge
When I first walked into Saint Philip's in the Hills on the Feast Day of Saint Philip in 2018 I knew right away that it was a special place and that I wanted to learn more about what it means to be an Episcopalian.
I was confirmed shortly afterward and threw myself into several ministries: being an acolyte and crucifer, Education for Ministry and the youth program, where I work with Rite 13 students. This year I was a voting delegate at the Diocesan Convention and a member of the parish discernment team. I love to help out and serve in any way I can!
I am a single mom with two beautiful daughters who are so excited to come back to church when we are able! I have a BA from the U of A in East Asian Studies and linguistics and am currently finishing up a certification in medical coding where I hope to start a new career once the pandemic settles down a bit.
I have an online Etsy shop where I design and crochet Saint dolls. Some things I love most are learning about saints, crafting and DIY, reading, roller-skating with my girls, and my newest hobby: chess!
I am so honored to be nominated for the Vestry and I look forward to continuing to serve Saint Philip’s and the congregation.
“Love God, serve God; everything is in that.” –St. Clare of Assisi