Christmas donations
Gathered in love. Transformed by grace. Sent by God to serve.
During the Christmas season Saint Philip’s members are invited to express these principles of our faith through different donation opportunities. And you responded generously!
Christmas Project
To date, $10,640.00 has been donated for the Christmas Project. The money will be distributed to 3 schools (Rio Vista, Holloway, and Imago Dei) for them to use at their discretion. Your financial support will help in a wide range of ways, from helping a family stay in its apartment so the child can continue to attend school (in-person or virtually) to providing clean underwear for students who don’t have any.
Christmas Offering
To date, $15,675.00 has been collected for the Christmas Offering. This year’s donations will support the border ministry Cruzando Fronteras.
Many, many thanks!