Choral Evensong

You are invited to Choral Evensong this—and every—Sunday at 4:30pm. But…because of a scheduling conflict, Evensong this Sunday, October 27, will be in Saint Anne’s Family Center.


This is a wonderful, ancient liturgy that takes the form of sung prayers, psalms, and the traditional evening canticles—the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis—along with a hymn and anthem. The service is full of meditative moments, and is a perfect way to begin or end a week.

Alternate choirs will participate according to the following schedule:

*First Sundays—the newly formed Saint Morwenna Voices (see below)
*Second Sundays—Saint Morwenna Voices and lay clerks, with Schola Cantorum volunteers
*Third Sundays—Saint Nicholas Choir and Schola Cantorum
*Fourth Sundays—Lay clerks

You are encouraged to participate as often as you can and invite your friends to join you. Saint Philip’s is pleased to offer this rich tapestry of music and prayer that follows a pattern of worship that is centuries old, but that speaks to us today as profoundly as in the 16th century.

Saint Morwenna Voices—Senior trebles and alumna

Saint Nicholas Choir—Boys and girls age 8 through high school or until voice change

Schola Cantorum—Members from the adult choirs who participate in Choral Evensong

Lay Clerks—Professional singers who perform the core of adult ensembles, Schola Cantorum, and the Choir of Saint Philip’s