A new role
The Beloved in the Desert community has good news to share: the corps members are delighted to welcome Saint Philip’s member, Chris Campbell. He has filled a vacant spot and joins Claire, Em, and Maddie.
As a member of Beloved in the Desert, Chris will commit to shared intentional living and prayer practices, Formation Fridays, and retreats that contextualize service work in the community.
Chris has served Saint Philip’s in multiple positions supporting the work of Communications, ongoing technical and audio-visual work, and significant updates to those systems. Chris will remain at Saint Philip’s, but his role will be a bit different as a member of the Beloved.
Effective immediately, Chris will focus on the important effort of evangelism in Tucson and laying the groundwork for a weekly Compline service off-site. He will also continue to oversee and facilitate important AV updates in the sanctuary.
Chris’ new responsibilities combine his gifts of musical leadership, project management, and offer him the unique opportunity to shepherd a new project with ancient roots that will be a service to the community in this tumultuous time.
For the next while, creating Zoom links for different groups and events will be handled by Kiki Cheney. She can be reached at kiki.cheney@stphilipstucson.org.
Please keep the Beloved in the Desert community members in your prayers as they serve in our partner non-profits and practice patterns of sacrificial community life together. If you would like to get to know them better please look for them at Mosaic on Wednesday evenings, on Sunday mornings, and at periodic service projects they lead with their placements. Learn more at stphilipstucson.org/beloved-in-the-desert.