A/V installation begins
It is with much excitement that we announce that the permanent installation of Saint Philip’s audio/visual equipment has begun.
This install and upgrade of the live-streaming system is thanks to the support of the Preservation & Endowment Board which has agreed to fund the project, and those who donated to the microphone fund.
A small air conditioner has been installed in the small room in the back left of the church, and electrical lines have been run to power both it and the equipment. The remaining microphones and broadcasting equipment have also been ordered.
Once the final equipment arrives, renovations and installation will begin. This will offer more consistent and high-quality live-streaming. For those who worship in-person, it will also provide better sound from the microphones in the sanctuary.
Christopher Campbell, who is spearheading the project, thanks Preservation & Endowment and everyone who donated to make this installation possible. He also appreciates everyone who has helped this project move forward, especially Mtr Mary, Fr Robert, Dr Campbell, and Belen.