The gift of hospitality
The Guild of Ushers is a ministry that offers hospitality and presence—two core aspects at the heart of Saint Philip’s community life.
Ushers are the first people visitors to the church usually meet; they give visitors their first impressions of Saint Philip’s. Ushers have the opportunity to connect with visitors and make them feel welcomed.
But being an usher also benefits the volunteer—especially people newer to the community—as it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet members of the parish.
Ushers serve at Sunday services and at special liturgies throughout the year, including weddings and funerals. They distribute service leaflets, record attendance, collect alms, present the gifts of bread and wine for Holy Communion, and assist communicants at the altar rail.
Here are some details:
Do I work alone or in a team?
Each usher serves with a set team of three to four others once or twice a month, at either 9:00am or 11:15am, depending on preference and availability.
What kind of training is there?
Children, youth, and adults who are interested in ministering as ushers begin by shadowing Usher Captains on a prospective usher team.
Do I volunteer for more than one service on a Sunday?
Ushers are welcome to serve as often and at as many services as they wish on Sundays and Holy Days, with the request that they serve at least once per month. There is also the opportunity to help with marriages and funerals.
All are invited to consider serving as an usher. For more information about volunteering, please contact Mark Woodhams (
Head Ushers: Guy Coleman, Meredith Mullins, Jen Tellman, Jane Westby, and Mark Woodhams.