Comfy Space
On the second Sunday of each month, Saint Philip’s 9:00am worship service in the sanctuary is a slightly less formal celebration of the Eucharist. It is called Comfy Space and invites children, their families, and friends to participate in the liturgical life of the church in special ways.
Comfy Space synthesizes the work of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atriums and the liturgy in the sanctuary. It recognizes that children—like adults—have a fundamental human need to worship and grow in relationship with the Living God of Love. Comfy Space equips children to engage fully and confidently in the liturgical life of the church.
In the year ahead, Saint Philip’s will consider more ways to involve children in worship and looks forward to gathering parents for conversations about how best to continue to deepen our commitment to the formation and inclusion of children in life across the parish.