Monthly Vestry update
The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.
Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. What follows is a summary of the December 15 meeting.
Present at the meeting were Michael Anderson, Chelsea Bayley, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, David Hass, Meghan Hodge, Lee Shaw, Alex Swain, Bonnie Winn, Liz Wood, Mark Woodhams, (staff) Mtr Mary, Fr Robert, and Mtr Taylor.
The Minutes of the November 17 meeting were approved as written.
Kitchen on a Mission
Mtr Taylor announced that the kitchen has passed inspection and been approved as a commercial kitchen. The change in building code/usage allows many possibilities to utilize the kitchen for Saint Philip’s Food Pantry and potential outreach partners.
Nominating Committee Report
Chelsea Bayley, Lee Shaw, and Mark Woodhams presented their list of the three candidates for the Vestry Class of 2025 Vestry.
Mission Endowment Fund Trust Board
John Bremond opened discussion on the need to nominate new members to the MEFT Board as the bylaws require.
Stewardship Report
Bonnie Winn reported that the 2022 Campaign results are strong and higher than in the same time period in 2021. However, there are still a significant number of people who pledged in 2021 who have not yet pledged for 2022.
Rector’s Report
Fr Robert discussed developing plans to encourage participation in small groups as the parish begins resume meeting in person this spring.
2022 Budget
Herb Burton presented the 2022 Budget that was developed/approved by the Finance Committee and recommended to the Vestry for approval. He described in detail the many factors that were considered as the budget was built: strong stewardship campaign numbers tempered by loss of rental income due to the pandemic, personnel changes, external sourcing for various services (technical and financial). Vestry approved the budget as presented.
—Bonnie Winn, Junior Warden