Vestry update
The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.
Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. What follows is a summary of the February 16 meeting.
Present: Michael Anderson, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, David Hass, Meghan Hodge, Erika Johnson, Meredith Mullins, Roger Rainbolt, Alex Swain, Bonnie Winn, Liz Wood, Fr Robert Hendrickson and Mtr Mary Trainor.
John Bremond opened the meeting with prayer at 6:30pm.
The Minutes of February’s meeting were approved as amended: David Hass was added to the members present.
Barbara Cone was re-appointed as Corporate Secretary and Herb Burton as Treasurer. Bonnie Winn was appointed Junior Warden.
An update on the Ministry Endowment Fund Trust (MEFT) was provided by John Bremond. Nancy Atherton was elected by the MEFT Board to be the new Chairperson, and the Vestry recommended and voted that Meredith Mullins serve on the MEFT Board.
Mtr Mary asked for approval of the Parochial Report. It is due at the diocese by March 1 and to the national office by March 31. Several items of note in the report include the narrative on racial justice and reconciliation, and plans to broaden evangelical efforts with a Compline service at the Mercado Annex (Downtown Tucson). The Vestry approved the parochial report.
Bonnie Winn provided a Stewardship report. 278 families have pledged in 2022 for a total of $1,011,190.00. An additional 45 families have not pledged in 2022 but continue to give at 2021 levels for a projected annual total of another $102,000. The average pledge is $3,400. This represents an increase since the beginning of the pandemic.
Fr Robert offered the Rector’s report. He noted Saint Philip’s financial stability. He also mentioned that he has had several conversations with people who are interested in becoming members and ready to be active in parish life.
Fr Robert asked that Vestry undertake a review of the strategic goals developed in 2019-2020 to consider what has changed since 2019 and how current needs can be addressed. He suggested that the Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) of October 2021 be used as a framework for re-setting strategic plans.
Herb Burton gave the Financial report, reporting that—despite many challenges—Saint Philip’s has basically “broken even” during the last two years.
John Bremond closed the meeting with prayer at 8:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
—Barbara Cone, Ph.D., Corporate Secretary