Vestry update
The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.
Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. What follows is a summary of the March 16 meeting.
Present: Michael Anderson, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, David Hass, Erika Johnson, Alex Swain, Bonnie Winn, Liz Wood, Fr Robert Hendrickson, and Mtr Mary Trainor
Absent: Meghan Hodge, Meredith Mullins, and Roger Rainbolt
John Bremond opened the meeting with a prayer.
The Minutes of the February Vestry meeting were approved as submitted.
Myron Molzen, Facilities Manager, reported on the condition of the chandeliers and sconces in the sanctuary. Myron presented a proposal for the repair/replacement/maintenance of the chandeliers and eight sconces in the transepts which are in very bad shape. A motion to send approval for this work to the Preservation and Endowment for funding was unanimously approved.
There was robust discussion of revisions to the “regathering” protocols that have been in place since the resumption of in-person, in-door worship. The recommended revisions to the protocols were prompted by the recent down-grading of risk-of-COVID-transmission levels in Pima County from high to medium on March 4 (and to low on March 16). The revised protocols and start date for implementing them will be published in the Bell & Tower.
Bonnie Winn reported that the Lenten-Easter appeal was mailed the previous week. In addition to the request for Memorial Gifts and Easter Offering (which this year will support the UK Residency), an appeal was made for planned giving contributions to Preservation & Endowment and Ministry Endowment Funds.
It is anticipated that Saint Philip’s will achieve a total of $1,135 million for the year through regular giving (pledged and non-pledged). This sum is close to the aspirational goal established several years ago (pre-pandemic) of achieving a total of $1.5 million per year.
Fr Robert invited Chris Campbell, a Beloved in the Desert member, to describe “NightSong: A Compline Experience” and to show a video about the project that was developed from a $4,000 grant from Princeton University. The NightSong service will be held at 7:00pm on Sunday, March 27 at the Mercado Annex. This service is a collaboration with several partners, including the Tucson All Soul’s procession. The website is “Bringing together community through prayer.”
Fr Robert discussed details of the Vestry retreat on April 9 which will be for the purpose of developing a mission statement to guide a strategic plan. Further discussion of an operational plan will take place over the summer.
As part of the financial report, treasurer Herb Burton made motions to change signatories on current bank accounts due to personnel changes. The motions were approved by Vestry.
A closing prayer was offered by John Bremond.
—Bonnie Winn, Junior Warden