Worship & pastoral care ministries
From 11:15am-12:00pm this Sunday, February 21, a live Q&A session via Zoom will focus on worship at Saint Philip's and the parish's pastoral care ministries.
We will celebrate the many opportunities we've had in the prior year, amid so many challenges, to unite and strengthen our prayers and fellowship. There will be opportunity to hear about how we have adapted to the limitations presented by the pandemic, what we have learned along the way, and about hopes and plans for 2021 and beyond.
The login process will be the same as that for Coffee Hour; the link with details is below.
Attend with this link.
Meeting ID: 954 1971 7645
Passcode: 810531
If you would like to call in on a phone rather than video, call +1 669 900 6833 US and enter the meeting id and password when prompted.
Future Q&A topics:
February 28: Children, Youth & Family Ministries