Holy Week art
The current Thursday formation class will end on this high note: "Images and Thoughts in Preparation of Holy Week: From Giotto to Rothko," scheduled via Zoom at 10:00am Thursday, March 25.
In this virtual forum, Dr Kevin Justus will consider images appropriate to Holy Week, ranging from the Proto renaissance to the 20th century. By investigating the changing images of Holy Week, we will notice the ways things are both constantly evolving and remaining the same.
The images considered will help us remember that we participate in a long history of continuity, and help us contemplate, remember, explore, and celebrate the most significant week in the Church's annual calendar.
To register, please follow the link below. All are most welcome to attend! For more information, please contact Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar (peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org).