First Sunday Drive
Saint Philip’s monthly “First Sunday Drive” on May 2 will benefit our immigrant brothers and sisters sheltered at Casa Alitas and the Inn Project.
Donations can be made between 10:00am-12:00pm and left in one of two places: on top of the chest outside the side entrance to the church or on the bench outside the door to the East Gallery.
Casa Alitas asks for the following donations:
Food for bus trips
• Snack food items such as granola bars, protein bars, dried fruit, nuts, trail mix (non-melting ingredients)
• Cereal cups
• Bottled water
• Gatorade
• Pedialyte (not clear variety)
• Juice pouches
• Fruit cups
• Peanut butter and jelly
• Sliced bread
• Applesauce (cups or pouches)
• Fresh fruits (mandarins, oranges, apples, bananas and grapes)
Travel size toiletry items
• Toothpaste and toothbrushes
• Hair combs/brushes
• Hair ties/bands
• Deodorant
• Chapstick/lip balm
• Lotion
Baby/Child care items
• Baby formula (powdered or liquid) in travel sizes
Miscellaneous items
• Shoe laces
• Backpacks
• Small travel blankets
• New underwear for men, women and children (small/medium sizes)
• Sports bras for women
• New socks for men, women and children (small/medium sizes)
• Tennis shoes for men, women and children (small/medium sizes)
• Men’s clothing (small/medium sizes)
• Women’s clothing (small/medium sizes)
The Inn Project accepts check donations made out to “Desert Southwest Conference/United Methodist Church” (write "The Inn Project" on the memo line) and send to: Desert Southwest Conference, 1550 E. Meadowbrook Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85014. Thank you!
AND a spirited thank you to everyone who contributed to the AZ Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians’ food drive to benefit Trinity Cathedral’s food pantry and Garfield School in Phoenix. The drive was a wonderful success!