From the Rector
Dear Friends in Christ,
A short update on re-gathering and next steps: This Sunday, April 25, we will have one in-person service at 9:00am (changing from 10:00am to avoid some of the heat) which will be live-streamed.
A more significant change is that we plan on resuming worship in the church building on Sunday, May 2, Saint Philip’s Day. We will have two in-person services that Sunday at 7:45 and 10:00. Those times will remain consistent through the summer.
The 7:45 will be our traditional Rite I Eucharist without music.
The 10:00 service will be a Rite II Eucharist with small choir and congregational singing allowed. This service will be live-streamed as well.
All attendees and participants at both services will need to be masked and we will maintain social distancing using every other pew. That will give us a cap of around 150 people for each service.
These changes are in accord with the most recent update to our diocesan COVID protocols, which you can read in a fuller form here.
Here’s the link to register for all services.
There will be additional updates soon about space usage for groups and ministries this summer as well.
Of course, we continue to expect that people will assess their own risks and tolerance for risk and act accordingly. We will continue to offer online worship as well for those who are not ready to return to in-person worship yet. We are delighted to be taking yet another step toward normalcy and thanks be to God that we are able to take this step!
Yours in Christ,
Fr Robert