Singers go live April 25
After a year of virtual rehearsal and individual recording session, the Saint Philip’s Singers will be regathering for a live rehearsal and they will sing at the 9:00am service on Sunday, April 25!
This will be a long-anticipated, possibly emotional moment for our choir folks. Many of them have been meeting weekly on Zoom to work through material without having the benefit of singing with other choristers, and they’ve been doing this for a whole year. Suffice it to say that Zoom is not an ideal forum for groups activity, much less group music-making.
My thanks go out to all of our adult choristers for soldiering through this difficult time, and for remaining committed to this important liturgical work. Our services would have been quite different without their hard work.
That being the case, we hope you will join us on Sunday in the Education Wing Courtyard for the 9:00am service, where the Saint Philip’s Singers will be presenting—amongst other things—an all-time favorite anthem by Thomas Tallis, If ye love me, keep my commandments.
We look forward to seeing you then!
Justin Appel, Director of Music
If ye love me, keep my commandments, Thomas Tallis, Tenebrae