Choral Evensong
For the first time in just over a year, Saint Philip’s will offer Choral Evensong! On May 2, the Saint Philip’s Singers will present Choral Evensong at 4:30pm in the church. This will be one of the first choral services offered since live services were cancelled in March of 2020.
Our Saint Philip’s Singers enjoyed resuming live outdoor rehearsals last week, and they sang beautifully at the 9:00am service in the Education Wing Courtyard last Sunday.
Since Bishop Reddall has given us permission to resume live worship indoors with congregational and choral singing in May, and since the other choirs are presently working on a recording project, we have decided to feature the Saint Philip’s Singers at this service. A great treat, to be sure!
If you have been hankering for Evensong, we hope you will feel welcome to attend Sunday’s choral service. Evensong is often lightly attended, so there should be plenty of seating for anyone interested. The choir plans to sing the B Flat Morning Service by Charles Villiers Stanford:
Magnificat in B Flat, Stanford
Nunc dimittis in B Flat, Stanford
We hope to see you there!
Dr Justin Appel, Director of Music