Formation & worship
The last year has taught us much about what it means to be the Body of Christ and how we continue joyfully to grow together in knowledge and love of God, even across distances and amid so many challenges and hardships. For more than a year we have gathered online via Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube for weekly Christian formation and worship and have discovered along the way that no matter where we are, near and far, we are gathered in love, transformed by grace, and sent to serve!
As we turn our attention toward the summer months, here are a few notes about our schedule of weekly Christian formation and worship opportunities.
Tuesday Bible Study
The final session of our weekly online Bible Study, based on the Sunday Eucharistic Lectionary, will be this Tuesday, May 25. The Zoom link is here.Wednesday Mosaic Community Night
We will gather for Mosaic Community Night for the final time this spring on Wednesday, May 26. The Zoom link is here.We will resume on June 23 with Summer Mosaic Game Nights. At that time, Mosaic will begin to gather once again in-person in the Murphey Gallery. Stay tuned for more information.
Thursday Formation
Thursday offerings ended last week. There will be a break until the end of July when we will make plans for the fall program year.
Mid-week worship
Daily Morning Prayer & Daily Mass
We will continue to live-stream midweek services of Morning Prayer (8:30am) and Mass (12:15pm) Monday through Saturday via Facebook and Saint Philip’s homepage, with opportunities each Monday and Wednesday for in-person registration.Tuesday Healing Masses
Beginning in the fall, we will resume in-person Healing Masses each Tuesday at 10:00am. Stay tuned for more information.
Weekly Recovery Masses
Beginning at 5:30pm Sunday, June 6, we will resume our weekly in-person masses with special intentions for all those affected by addiction. Additionally, the first Sunday of the month will offer a special 12-Step Mass.