Upcoming schedule
The summer months will bring about some changes to the usual schedule of worship and formation offerings.
Sunday schedule June-August
7:45am—Rite I Eucharist (masks optional)
9:00am—Coffee hour
10:00am—Rite II Eucharist (masks required and distancing advised; live-streamed)
1:00pm—Anti-racism discussion group
4:00pm—Come & See service
6:30pm—Bible on Tap
Worship services suspended June-August
5:30pm Rite II Eucharist on Sunday
8:30am Morning Prayer Monday-Thursday
12:15pm Eucharist Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Children, Youth & Family Ministry
Sunday, May 15, will be the last day of formal formation for youth and parents. Activities will resume on Sunday, September 11.
The nursery is available for children ages 0-3 from 8:30am-11:00am in room 6 of the Children’s Courtyard. Two trained attendants are present at all times.
Sunday, May 15—nursery available
Sunday, May 22—nursery closed
Sunday, May 29—nursery available
June and July —nursery suspended
Sunday, August 7—nursery care resumes
Rector’s visiting hours
For the remainder of May, Fr Robert will continue to be available from 11:00am-12:00pm in the library for drop-in visits. He will take a hiatus June-August.
Literati book club
This book discussion group meets at 7:30pm on the 2nd Monday of every month via Zoom. It will be on hiatus through August; meetings will resume in September.
Contact parishioner Beth Brouillette at bethbrouillette@outlook.com for details.
Meet God at the Movies
Gatherings at 6:30pm on the 3rd Monday of every month via Zoom will continue. All are welcome to join the discussions, but registration is required. You can register here.
Food Pantry
Beginning on Tuesday, May 17 through August, the food pantry will be open from 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Bible Study
This Bible Study group is open to men and women. It meets at 10:00am every Tuesday for 60 minutes via Zoom. You can find the link here or on Saint Philip’s online calendar.
The near-term schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, May 17—no meeting
Tuesday, May 24—the group will finish reading and discussing Genesis
Tuesday, May 31—no meeting
Tuesday, June 7—no meeting
Tuesday, June 14—the group will begin reading the Revelation of St John
Anyone interested in participating in June can orient themselves to this strange, last book of the Bible by beginning to read Michael Gorman's "Reading Revelation Responsibly." It's a short book available in paperback and on Kindle, and a terrific guide to Revelation. The group will use it to guide its discussions.
If you have questions, contact Dcn Susan Erickson at susanerickson27@gmail.com.
Grief Support Group
Meetings will continue 10:30am-12:00pm on Tuesday mornings in the parish nurse’s office (across from the fish pond). Click here for more information.
Healing Service
12:15pm on Tuesdays in the Chapel of the Nativity
Mosaic Community Night
Mosaic is on hiatus until September.
This is an opportunity to gather for fellowship, prayer, and study every Wednesday evening in the Murphey Gallery. If you would like information about Mosaic, contact Fr Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar, at peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org.
Women’s Bible Study
Through May, this group will continue to meet at 6:30pm every Wednesday for 60-90 minutes via Zoom. Meetings will be suspended during June and July; the group will convene again in August.
Participants gather via Zoom to discuss readings based on a theme, and the conversations are often assisted by a helpful book. Anyone interested in participating should contact parishioner Camille Salisbury at cbsalisbury@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.
Food Pantry
Beginning on Tuesday, May 17 through August, the food pantry will be open from 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Prayer Shawl ministry
This group will continue to meet 10:30am-12:30pm on Saturdays via Zoom. Click here for more information.
Church office
Monday, June 6-Monday, September 5 (Labor Day), the office will be closed to visitors on Mondays. The church’s main telephone number (520-299-6421) will be answered from 9:00am-1:00pm. Matters of true urgency will still be addressed.
For pastoral emergencies, Saint Philip’s 24/7 CareLine (520-971-3551) will continue to be monitored by staff clergy.
Clay classes
The current session of classes will conclude on Wednesday, May 18. New classes will be available on August 16. Click here to learn more about the studio and its director.