Recovery mass
Beginning at 5:30pm Sunday, June 6, Saint Philip's will once again offer weekly in-person recovery masses with special prayers and intentions for all affected by addiction. These services will be celebrated from the Chapel of the Nativity.
On the first Sunday of every month, the mass will follow a special liturgy shaped by the 12-steps of recovery, with a live-stream available at the church's website and Facebook page (see links below).
These masses are offered for all people, regardless of whether you are in recovery, and in the spirit of Alcoholics Anonymous and all recovery groups, we enter this space holding each other in love and in full assurance of confidentiality. All are most welcome!
For more information, please contact Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar (
The Saint Philip's Recovery Ministry is available for anyone who might have questions or looking for assistance with their struggles.
Jon 520-360-1050
Jerry 520-980-0742
First Sunday live-streams may be found at either of the following links:
Saint Philip's Website:
Saint Philip's Facebook Page: