'First Sunday' Drive
This Sunday, July 11, is our July "First" Sunday drive. It will benefit three different organizations:
1. St. Philip's Food Pantry needs the following items: peanut butter in 16-oz. plastic jars; cereal; mac and cheese; canned pasta; canned soup; pop-top meats; ramen soup. As always, cash contributions are also welcome!
2. Interfaith Community Services is having a PB Party and hoping to collect 10,000 jars this month! We will make sure some of the peanut butter donated this Sunday is contributed to ICS -- so the more, the better!
3. The Union of Black Episcopalians-Arizona Chapter is helping Trinity Cathedral, Pheonix provide water to those in need on the streets in July. You can help by writing a check to Trinity Cathedral and noting "July water drive" on the memo line.
Bring your donations to church on Sunday or between 11:30 - 12:30 at the East Gallery parking lot. And thanks in advance for your generosity.