New junior warden
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven.” That rightly famous passage from Ecclesiastes goes on to mark the different ways our lives change and grow and more over time. One of the hardest changes in the life of a congregation is saying goodbye to those about whom we care and to those who care for us.
This June, Mary Margaret and Jonathan Sprinkle will be leaving with their boys to head to new work in Nashville, Tennessee. Mary Margaret has served as our Junior Warden through the pandemic and Jonathan has been helping us, since the first days of the pandemic, manage our AV needs and upgrades. They’ve both been a huge part of life here and their boys have sung in our choir, and more too. To say they will be missed is an understatement and I hope you will thank them all and wish them well.
We are blessed to have a deep bench of caring and faithful folks though. Bonnie Winn, known to many of you from her prodigious work with the choirs, stewardship, and more, will take over as Junior Warden beginning with our June Vestry meeting. I am thankful and delighted that she has agreed to serve out the remainder of this year’s term. She brings a deep knowledge of life here and has relationships with so many that will make her a wonderful leader in the months ahead as we re-gather and look to the future.
Bonnie is no newcomer to parish leadership. Here, in her own words, is a bit of her story:
“I have attended Saint Philip’s since November 2004, as a winter resident at first, and finally full time in 2011. Before becoming a resident of Tucson, I lived in Winnetka, Illinois and served the Winnetka Congregational Church in many capacities.
“Currently I serve as Saint Philip’s Stewardship Chair and as one of three music librarians. I joined the Saint Philip’s Singers in 2013 and continue to sing with the choirs. Building on my experience managing UK Choir Residencies for the Winnetka choir, I managed the admin portion of the UK Residencies for Saint Philip’s in 2016 and 2019, and look forward to the 2022 Residency at Wells Cathedral.
“My first volunteer job at Saint Philip’s was as a violin practice supervisor for the After School Music Program. From there I progressed to Usher Captain, Border and Immigration Chair, After School Music Chair, and Director of Music Search Committee Chair.
“I’m a farm girl from Henrietta, Missouri. I attended the University of Missouri undergrad and did graduate studies at Stanford University. I have two children and three grandsons. I have always sung in the church choir and been a full-time volunteer. It is an honor to be invited to serve Saint Philip’s as Junior Warden to continue my calling to serve my community parish as I am able. Thank you.”
For everything, there is a season. Like so many seasons in the life of the Church, this is one for goodbyes, thank yous, congratulations, and more. I hope you will thank the Sprinkles for the ways they have served here, thank Bonnie for stepping in at an important time, and pray for the new starts and journeys ahead.
Fr Robert