'Power of the Spirit'
61st Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
October 9 (online) and October 15-16, 2021 (in-person & online)
This year’s Diocesan Convention will be a hybrid convention. This means that we will be meeting online and in person. On Saturday, October 9, we will be meeting online only beginning at 9:00a.m. to conduct the business-meeting portion of the 61st Diocesan Convention.
Then, on October 15-16, the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, will join us for the rest of our Convention. We will have wonderful workshops beginning at 1:00pm on Friday and powerful worship beginning at 10:00am on Saturday at Church for the Nations, 6225 N. Central Ave. in Phoenix for those who want to join in person, and via live-stream for those that prefer to join online.
The Secretary to Convention shall be elected for a term of one year and shall be Secretary of the Diocesan Convention. Election this year is for a 1-year term. Incumbent, Susan McCann, is eligible for re-election.
Duties include acting as recording secretary for every meeting of the Convention; performing such duties as assigned by the Bishop, the Convention, or the Standing Committee.
The Standing Committee consists of six clergy and six lay members who shall each serve a three (3) year term and not more than two consecutive 3-year terms. Election this year is for two clerical members for a 3-year term and one clerical member to complete a one-year term due to a resignation. Election this year is for two lay members for a 3-year term. The term of office will begin immediately following the Diocesan Convention. Incumbents in the clerical order, Rev. Bruce Jackson, Rev. Robert Hendrickson, and Rev. Robin Hollis, and in the lay order, Cody Bro, are eligible for re-election. [Even though there are three incumbents in the clerical order, there are only two available positions. This will balance the clerical vs lay positions on the committee created when deacons were moved from the deacon/lay to the clerical order.]
The Standing Committee is the Advisory Council to the Bishop meeting approximately 6 times a year. In addition, the Standing Committee serves as the Ecclesiastical Authority in the event of a vacancy in the Episcopate. The Standing Committee also provides consent for Bishop Elections and participates in the review of candidates for ordination.
The members of the Board shall be elected by Convention. Each member shall be elected for a three (3) year term; except, if a member is elected to fill a vacancy, the term of that member shall be the unexpired term of the member being replaced. The term of the member shall commence on the first (1st) day following the close of the Convention when the election took place. The board shall consist of not fewer than nine persons, five of whom are members of the Clergy and four of whom are Laity. Election this year is for three (3) clerical positions for 3-year terms and three (3) lay positions for a 3-year term. Incumbents in the clerical order, Rev. John Christopher, Rev. Patrice Cole, Rev. Daniel Richards, and in the lay order, William Brotherton, Dave Loder, and Deborah Tinajero are eligible for re-election.
The Disciplinary Board is called upon when a Title IV disciplinary issue moves to a Conference Panel or Hearing Panel level.
Resolutions will be printed in the convention materials, and then discussed during the breakout session, still to be scheduled, and voted on during the business meeting on Saturday, October 9.
Any Constitution and Canon changes will be printed in the convention materials, and then discussed at the pre-convention workshop and voted on during the business meeting on Saturday, October 9.
The 2022 Financial Statement of Mission, which has been put forth by the Finance Committee and Standing Committee, must be approved by Convention. The budget will be printed in the convention materials, discussed at the pre-convention workshop, and voted on at the business meeting on the Saturday, October 9.
Guidelines for Diocesan Resolutions are available on the Convention page of the diocesan website at www.azdiocese.org. The instructions for completing the resolution template form and the resolution form are available on the Convention page of the diocesan website. Complete the template form and email the completed resolution [note “Convention Resolution” in the subject line] no later than August 25 to:
Any member of the Clergy canonically resident or any lay communicant in good standing may submit to the Chair of the Nominating Committee no later than August 25, 2021. For one or more persons to fill the positions listed above, complete a nomination form, available on the Convention page of the diocesan website, www.azdiocese.org. First, seek permission from the person you wish to nominate, carefully complete the online form. In addition, each candidate for election must complete the list of questions, which can also be downloaded from the diocesan website, www.azdiocese.org. Send the questions as a Word document. DO NOT PDF THIS DOCUMENT. Attach a passport-type photo (hi-resolution of about 1MB required). Email the photo and answers to questions to:
Clergy Eligible to Vote: Canon I, Section 4(a): Every member of the Clergy who is: (1) In good standing; (2) Canonically and actually resident in the Diocese and; (3) Actively exercising a regular parochial or Diocesan ministry in the Diocese, as determined by the rector or vicar of the parish or mission in which they serve, or by the bishop; is a Clerical Member of, and shall be entitled to a seat and vote in Convention. Every other member of the Clergy who is in good standing and is canonically resident in the Diocese shall have a seat in Convention but no vote.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Black, Registrar of Convention, at 602.254.0976 or email cathy@azdiocese.org.
As stated earlier, the 2021 convention will be a hybrid convention. So, in keeping with this theme we are using the online registration process again this year. The registration form, as last year, will indicate the number of delegates, wardens, and clergy eligible to voice and vote at Convention. The registration fee for each person is still $60.00. Registrations will be available the first week of August.
Visitors are welcome to participate in Diocesan Convention. Visitors can download a registration form from the diocesan website (www.azdiocese.org). Forms will be available on the website the first week of August. The registration fee for visitors is $60.00.
As in past years, there will be two pre-convention workshops this year: Budget, Canons & Resolutions, and the Candidate Forum. The Zoom links for these workshops will be sent to registered participants. The dates and times for these workshops will be posted with the schedule for convention.
Workshops will be offered on Friday, October 15. These will be in person at Church for the Nations, Phoenix as well as available for those not in attendance. Please see the convention schedule for the workshop listing and schedule.
Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, will be with us for a fabulous Eucharist on Saturday, October 16 at 10:00 a.m. This service will be in person at Church for the Nations, Phoenix, and live-streamed on the diocesan YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/azdiocese1) as well. Worship will be open to delegates and visitors for Convention, as well as ticket-holders from congregations and the community. Those who are registered for the Diocesan Convention will have access to the Eucharist service. Others who wish to attend the Eucharist service can register beginning on September 1 on the diocesan website, www.azdiocese.org. The diocese of Arizona is excited to host the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry. Don't miss out!
Hotels with blocks of rooms available with special rates have been secured. These rates are only available until the dates specified. You are not required to use these hotels; these arrangements were made as a courtesy only. Please see the diocesan website for details.
Due to the hybrid nature of Diocesan Convention, there will not be any Exhibits this year. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bishop’s Closet became full to overflowing. So, the Diocesan Altar Guild will have tables displaying items from the Bishop’s Closet that your church may need. A list of the inventory will be available ahead of Convention, so you can see what you may need.