Something bugging you?
While there are more than 40 mosquito species in Arizona, the Aedes Aegypti has been linked to equine encephalitis, West Nile, and the Zika virus [but not COVID-19]. The only long-term solution to mosquitoes is eliminating breeding sites. Recent studies show electrocution traps, electronic mosquito repellants, outdoor chemical foggers are not effective in reducing or eliminating mosquito populations. The chemical DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluaide - 20-40%, maximum 50%) is effective and present in many insect repellants. Read and strictly follow the precautions regarding age, application, and other conditions. Discontinue application if irritation occurs.
For best protection against mosquitos and the diseases they transmit the following is recommended:
• Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and socks
• Reapply repellant, as protection tends to decrease
• Protect during the times of day when mosquitoes are most active
• Replace water in bird baths and fountains periodically and discard containers that may collect water
• Check flower pots for excess water
• Maintain tight fitting screens and seals in doors and windows
General Precautions:
• Never use repellants over cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
• When using sprays, do not spray directly on face—spray on hands and apply to face. Don’t apply repellents to eyes or mouth, Apply sparingly around ears.
• Wash hands after application to avoid exposure to eyes or ingestion.
• Adults should apply repellants to children by applying to own hands first, and then spread on the child’s clothing and exposed skin. Avoid applying to children’s hands.
• After returning indoors, wash your child’s treated skin and clothing with soap and water.
• Use just enough repellant to cover exposed skin or clothing. Heavy application is unnecessary.
Mosquito Facts
• Mosquitoes need water to complete their life cycle.
• A single female can lay hundreds of eggs over her lifetime.
• Aedes Aegypti eggs can survive for more than five years under certain conditions.
• Only females take a blood meal and adult females can survive several weeks.
• Mosquitoes are responsible for more human mortality worldwide than any other living creature.
Peace & Wellness,
Carol Jones, Parish Nurse