Two services continue
The COVID situation continues to change quickly. We strive to keep pace with it while also making program plans for the coming year, even though we cannot be certain when we will be able to open more fully.
One decision we have made is this: We will keep the current two-service Sunday plan in effect through September. So, the 7:45am and 10:00am services will be our Sunday worship offerings through next month.
Below you will find general COVID rules for attendance; as well as rules for proceeding to the altar and in receiving the sacrament:
General guidelines:
1.) Everyone must sign in before entering the church. In the event of a positive test result for someone attending a service, we can communicate directly with those inside the church on any given Sunday.
2.) Masks are required of everyone at all times within the sanctuary for the Sunday services. It’s been noted that some people have worn a mask that covers the mouth, but not the nose. Our guidelines require that both mouth and nose be covered.
3.) Occupancy is limited to 150.
Here are the guidelines for the communion portion of the services:
Wait for Ushers to release you to come forward.
Maintain safe distance at the altar rail. (Designated spots along the rail are marked on the floor by tape.)
Communion is administered in both kinds (Bread and Wine).
If you wish to receive both the Bread and Wine, the Minister will instinct (dip) the Bread in the Wine for you.
Please wear your masks to and from the altar rail, removing them only to receive Communion.
After receiving Communion, please follow the guidance of Ushers back to your seats.
If you need Communion brought to you in your pew, please speak with an usher before the service.