12-Step Eucharist
Each Sunday Saint Philip's offers in-person recovery masses with prayers and intentions for all those affected by addiction. On the first Sunday of each month, the mass is a special liturgy shaped by the 12-steps of recovery
The next 12-Step Eucharist will be at 5:30pm Sunday, September 5, in the Chapel of the Nativity. All are welcome. The service will be streamed to the parish's website and Facebook page for anyone who is unable to attend in-person (see links below).
For more information, please contact Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar (peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org).
The Saint Philip's Recovery Ministry is available for anyone who might have questions or looking for assistance with their struggles.
Jon 520-360-1050
Jerry 520-980-0742
Live-Stream Links
Saint Philip's Website: www.stphilipstucson.org/livestream
Saint Philip's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/StPhilipsTucson
The bulletin can be found HERE