Convention Eucharist
The ministry task team for the Diocesan Convention Eucharist has been engaged in conversation since June, in preparation for the guest preacher, The Most Rev’d Michael B. Curry, and all of our faith communities throughout the diocese, to gather for the “Power of the Spirit.”
The Eucharist will be in person at Church for the Nations, Phoenix, and live-streamed on our Diocesan YouTube channel at 10:00am Saturday, October 16.
Dr Luisa Bonillas, The Rev’d Devin Gillespie, and The Rev’d Canon Holly Herring have convened a ministry team that includes The Ven Sarah Getts, The Rev’d Canon Chuck Milhoan, and Mrs Rachel Salemi, the Director of Music from St. Matthew’s Church in Chandler, who will serve as the music director for this Eucharist. In turn, they have been engaged in conversation with the Diocesan Altar Guild and additional lay leaders who have shared their experience as ushers, greeters, and vergers.
Feeling the call to serve in ministry for the Eucharist, contact the lay or ordained leadership in your faith community.
The diocesan ministry task team is conversing with leaders from Hispanic Ministries, Migration and Border Ministry, Native American Ministries, Saint Paul’s, Phoenix (Sudanese), and the Union of Black Episcopalians.
The “propers” (or lessons) for the communal Eucharist are for the Feast of Saint Luke. The prayerful goal in planning is to welcome, encourage, and actively seek to include the participation of all who bless us with the depth, breadth, and diversity of our Episcopal traditions and cultures.
Bishop Jennifer A. Reddall has asked that a diocesan choir be assembled for one of the many musical offerings. As of this writing, music director Rachel Salemi will have reached out to one or another of the ordained, lay, or music staff leaders in each of the faith communities to connect with those who are interested in singing in the choir.
All recommendations from the Bishop’s task force on Gathering for Abundance will be observed. Please check with your leadership for further information. If your community has not received the invitation to join the choir, email Rachel Salemi.
This Eucharist will be open to all registered Diocesan Convention delegates and visitors for the convention. All others who wish to attend the Eucharist can register beginning September 1 on the diocesan website.